Granny – November 2016

Thursday 3rd November 2016

Hello Ryan, hello Samantha.  This is Granny Ruth adding a message to your web site.  I am so pleased your Daddy has set this site up because now I feel that I am almost getting in touch with you at last.

You see, I write to tell you news and say hello, but cannot send the letters to you because Mummy won’t let you have anything from me.  So I keep them at my house in Poole!  I have all your stuff here, safe and sound.  All your Lego and books, all your toys, Baby Choo Choo and Iggle Piggle!

We have been very unhappy without you in our lives.  Granddad Roger misses you so much, and Jazzy & Amy are always asking when they will see you again.

So Ryan, today is your birthday.  I can’t believe your are 10 years old!  Happy Birthday!

Sometimes, Samantha, I see you in the distance on Tuesday evenings when I am going to my Tai Chi class in Broadstone.  You are with your Mum walking to the Sports Centre.  I can never say hello because your Mum would be so angry with me, but I would love to.  I am hoping you haven’t forgotten me.  As I write this, you are 7 years old

Granny Ruth