Granny – March 2025

Happy birthday Samantha!

I suppose you must wonder why this person, who you don’t even know, keeps sending messages to you that you may never get to see!

Yes, it is a strange situation, and very sad. You are in my heart. I’ll always wish the best for you, and I’ll always love you, dear granddaughter.

This photo is of you and Ryan in our house in Upton way.

Samantha and Ryan 8/12/2012

These photos are from when we were all camping together in our motorhome in 2012.

Samantha 1 28/07/13 Samantha 2 28/07/13

So you’re 16 this Friday. Here’s wishing you a very happy day! This is a big year for you with your GCSE exams. Good luck with them all, and we hope you do well.

XX from Granny Ruth